So who really is the injured party here — academics shunning Jewish thought? That's like a man stranded in the Sahara refusing a glass of water. Asshattery Jew hating makes asshats of them all. And transparent as well. it is evil. Period.
Check out this post at Atlas here back in April 2006 – it sums it up:
What it represents is the struggle between good and evil.
The traditional Jew-peaceful, studious, dedicated to procreation,
family and life of worship and simplicity. He is concerned with being
benevolent hence the Kosher way of killing animals-without suffering.
He does not deviate from faith in God and belief that God, if he is
good, will take care of him. On the other side is the trayf – the
more likely to use physical force, have many wives, or at least does
not stay with one family and may beget a few, less concern in
procreation rather more concern in pleasure. Kills even for his faith
or in the name of his faith. More physical than studious and much less
faithful to family and religion.Inflicts pain without remorse and
enjoys the disrespect for other living creatures.
Therefore for the strife between good and evil to
continue and exist – the fundamental basis and core for this existence
the traditional Jew must survive. If he dies the good is gone and evil takes over the world. The struggle must continue as this is the setup and fabric of this world.
The conquering of
Israel is in theory. That piece of beach holds no oil, gold, or any
other valuable resources. It however, holds the Jewish people. The world knows that getting the land is meaningless, it is getting the Jew that will be the victory for the forces of evil.
However, if the Jew dies they die too as their survival depends on this
constant struggle because without it they will lose the meaning and
purpose of their existence. And so it goes, a never ending struggle
which is the very essence of life as we know it."
Urban sent in this on the scene report: Here are the photos from yesterday's (Sunday February 22nd 2009) protest against CUPE, held in Windsor, Ontario.
Union mob-rule;
recent islamic "sha'ariyah" honour killing beheadings of wives and daughters in Toronto;
shrill racist, inciting, cries from the Canadian Arab Federation and the Canadian Islamic Congress;
universities and colleges over-run with anarchic Left-Glibbers, anti-semites, and intolerant, bigoted, muslim student associations …..
… this isn't boding well for Canadian democratic, pluralistic society …………
Honourable Members of Parliament, the scourge of tyranny and oppression is upon us, from without and within, and its name is Islamo-fascism ,
fueled in part by re-emergent anti-Semitism ( thinly veiled as indignant anti-Zionism ) ,
and misdirected Left-Glib self-righteousness.
'Resolution to boycott Israel by CUPE Ontario
discriminatory and racist,’ says B’nai Brith Canada
TORONTO, February 22, 2009 – B’nai Brith Canada has labeled as "discriminatory and racist" the resolution passed by CUPE Ontario, which proposes to boycott Israeli universities.
"Central to the boycott Israel resolution passed by CUPE is the notion that the Jewish State is somehow illegitimate," said Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President of B'nai Brith Canada. "It marginalizes its supporters here at home and disenfranchises CUPE members who are supportive of democratic Israel and its right to defend its citizens against terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
"CUPE has gone far afield of its mandate by pushing through a resolution that at its very core is racist, employs a double standard, and which seeks to put a stranglehold on genuine academic exchange.
"Followers of Israel Apartheid Week and its fellow CUPE travelers are promoting hatred and advancing a discriminatory agenda that is at odds with Canadian values of tolerance, respect and human rights for all. We urge the wider CUPE membership to come forward to denounce this resolution and call on the Canadian public to do the same."
B’nai Brith Canada has been active in Canada since 1875
as the Jewish community’s foremost human rights agency